- Become an In-Demand Professional
You’ve heard of the digital skills gap, right? There’s 150,000 digital jobs predicted by 2020 and not enough digital professionals to fill them. This provides those studying digital marketing with a unique competitive advantage – you’re gearing yourself up for a career where demand exceeds supply. During the recession recent graduates were plunged into a world of uncertainty, job scarcity and all around terribleness. Wouldn’t it be nice to gain a fresh set of skills that could future-proof your career, increase your job security and even enhance your career progression? The most important thing for you is that you need to take back control of your career and reestablish the confidence you lost during the recession. Remember this: companies still want your valuable skills – you might just need to turn them digital. According to Mon do demand for digital marketing professionals will rise by 38% this year. It’s time you took advantage.
- Industry Demands for Digital Marketing Skills
As mentioned earlier, Digital Marketing profession is listed in the top 5 profession to look out in 2014. That directly means that industry is increasingly realizing the importance of Digital Marketing in India, and therefore hiring marketers that have skills and knowledge in it.
In India, we have Real Estate, Hospitality and Travel industry, B2B businesses, B2C businesses, Retail, Consultancy, Manufacturing, Export-Import and many other industries, who are eagerly looking for professional Digital Marketers to hire.
However, industry is facing talent crunch, as there is more demand than supply. Just go to Naukri.com, Monster.com, timesjob.com etc. and search for ‘Digital Marketing Job’, and you will be surprised by the demand.
- Marketing Strategy Incomplete without Digital Strategy
In your marketing strategy development assignments, during your MBA/Marketing course you would not have missed to include the role of digital/internet/online marketing.
Moreover, just ask any marketer today, they will tell how important digital strategy is to their marketing strategy. This is because, no company/organization wants to miss another revenue generation medium or lag behind to their competitors.
Therefore, again importance of Digital Marketing in your marketing career increases exponentially.
- Digital Marketing Opens Up Wide Variety of Job Prospects
If you think Digital Marketing is just Digital Marketing, let me tell you it is not, there is more to it. There are many areas in it such as Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Content Writing, Copy Writing, Online Advertising, Conversion Rate Optimization, and Inbound Marketing, etc.
You can learn basics of all, and develop specialization in one of them to help you get better prospects. While pursuing a course in Digital Marketing you have many options to choose from that can get you variety of jobs.
- Digital marketing will continue to evolve
There are many predictions as to the trends that will shape digital marketing in 2014 and beyond. This includes the ongoing rise and reinvention of social media, with an IBM study showing that social networks have an influence on the purchasing decisions of 85% of respondents. Brian Burke, research vice president at Gartner Inc. further predicted that gamification will transform the world of digital marketing with the intent to “inspire deeper, more engaged relationships and to change behavior.” Also among the trends to watch is the inevitable impact that the increasing demand for smartphones will have on even the most traditional of brands.
While the experts may differ in the exact nature of their predictions, everyone agrees that the digital marketing industry will not stay stagnant. That means to be an expert in digital marketing requires an ongoing education. The rise in digital marketing jobs, spending and influence means digital marketing courses are more relevant than ever.
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